Dedicated to growth WODA                                                                                           Independent Investment Banking

The Management of Leading European Growth Companies

meet the dedicated Institutions and Organizations at our

European Corporate Access Events

One-to-One, Few-to-One and Group meetings and much more

for Institutional, Private Equity , Venture Capital Investors and Companies

WODA Capital Markets

Independent Investment Banking dedicated to growth

WODA Capital Markets is an independent European Investment banking organisation and Corporate Access is one of the core acivities of our services.

Corporate access is for Companies and for Investors one of the preferred ways to get to know each others Strengths, Qualities, Values, Business model and Investment cases. Therefore our team at Woda Capital Markets has a very dedicated and broad network of contacts. These contacts are Private Equity Investors, Venture Capital Investors, Institutional Investors and Family Offices and other Organisations.

We make sure that we organize Corporate Access events to the right group of Investors, Companies and others. This will of course depend on the type of event or reason of the event. The events that we organize are very diverse. For example Pilot Fishing, Pre Marketing, Deal and / or Non-Deal Roadshows or our Corporate Access Conferences but there are many other ways like Reverse-Roadshows (Company Visits) with different Professional Investors or Capital Markets days. We will make sure that we provide Investors and others the added value what you and they were looking for.

And surely after our Corporate Access events we will provide detailed feedback to both sides, as desired.

In case you would like to have some more information on our service, please contact us.